Yamagata Golden Peach

Sale price$88.00



  • There is no $10.00 delivery FEE
  • Delivery is available on 25th-26th August

Characteristics of Golden Peach

In Yamagata Prefecture, many varieties are cultivated for consumption as fresh fruit. Yellow peaches have firmer flesh compared to white peaches, and they are slightly harder. They are known for their strong and intense sweetness, with a sweet fragrance reminiscent of tropical fruits.

Characteristics of the Region

Yamagata Prefecture experiences vivid seasonal changes. The winter snow accumulates on the mountains and melts in spring, providing water to nourish the fields and rice paddies. The climate in the basin of Yamagata Prefecture is such that although the days can become very hot in summer, mornings and evenings are cool enough to feel a chill.

This temperature difference contributes to firming the flesh of fruits and allowing them to accumulate sugars within. Throughout the year, the significant temperature fluctuations between day and night make Yamagata Prefecture an ideal location for producing delicious fruits. Bathed in the intense summer sun, the peaches develop a rich, vibrant pink color and take on a plump and round shape. The balance between sweetness and acidity is exquisite. Truly, peaches from Yamagata Prefecture are exceptional. 

Yamagata is also famous for

  • Yamagata La France (No.1 Production Volume in Japan)
  • Satonishiki Cherry
  • Tendo Golden Peach

Processed in:

2kg Gift Box (5-7 pieces)


Preserve method:
Please store in dry cool area at room temperature.


Guide to Japanese Peach

The peaches we eat today are mainly divided into two types: white peaches with white flesh and yellow peaches with yellow flesh. There are also varieties with unusual shapes and hairless varieties.

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